Monday, March 7, 2011

Research for my double page spread of my Music Magazine

When I researched on google images, "music magazine double-page spreads", i got a lot of different ideas. As the "Black Eyed Peas" are a well known band in the chart music industry, I thought it would be a good idea looking at a double page spread about them, and seeing what these spreads typically include. When I this double page spread, image shown to the left, I saw that it was a general interview with the band. There was also a large image taking up a lot of the space, as well as writing actually over the image. There is also larger fonts in places that are quotes from the interview also. These are all ideas I will take into consideration when doing my double-page spread. I will get a number of images, and have a play around on my page to see how they fit and how good and realistic to a real music double page spread they look.

I also looked at a double page spread including solo artist and fashion designer Lily Allen. I thought the idea of having her quoting "People think I'm an attention seeker, but I'm just honest" looked really good in the look of words all put together, cut out of a newspaper. I also like the image, as it's the first thing you see when you look at this double page spread, so you instantaneously know who the article is about.
Much the same to The Black Eyed Peas double page spread, this is also an interview with Lily Allen. This has made me decide to have an interview with my fiction singer, "Ladee Laur" on my double page spread too.

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