Thursday, March 31, 2011

More work on my front cover for my Music Magazine

This is an almost finish front cover for my music magazine. I've added a lot of colour to this, as I think the brighter the front cover, the more interested a person would be to reading it. I've researched a lot of music front covers, and I found that on the left hand side, there was always a larger set of writing, followed by smaller. I also noticed that a lot of them had their website link at the bottom of the page which I have included. It's not very bold and easy to see though, so I'll either change the colour, or put a back round colour behind it. I've also included the basic things such as a bar code as well as the date. There's still a lot more I want to do to this front cover, maybe add another smaller image, change some of the colour schemes and so on. 

This is my front cover with a bit more work on, I've now added a back round colour to my website at the bottom, as well as numbers on top of my bar code. I have also put a "win a free CD" on the top left corner, as well as moved the date onto the right hand side of my cover, instead of keeping it on the left.  

I thought that adding the stars above my image's head would also look good, as stars seem to be a popular symbol at the moment, with lots of music magazines having them, as well as people having tattoo's of stars and shapes shaven into their heads.

I know more writing needs to be put on my front cover, so I will research a lot more magazines from shops and the internet, and get some ideas on what I can put on it. I know I have a lot of fonts, sizes and colours on my cover, which rather than being eye-catching, could just be confusing, so I will change this by the time I am finished.

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