Tuesday, March 15, 2011

More work on my entire Music Magazine

I took this picture myself of my friend, Lauren. I decided I wanted her to look a little bit like Lady Gaga, seeing as I'm doing a music magazine, but didn't want her to look exactly like her. This is why I've let her leave her hair straight, but still have the well-known black triangles under and on top of her eyes. I've decided I want this image for my front cover of my music magazine. This means I can have her on my double-page spread as a singer named "Ladee Laur".
The make up I have done myself, as well as changing her nail polish colour, as originally, it was all chipped. I think that this is a good image to have for my front cover, as images similar to this, are what is usually on a typical music cover. I might take more pictures and see if I can have a better image for my front cover, but at the moment I am happy with having this one.

I might also change the hair colour of this image, or maybe take another picture of a different friend all together and see if i prefer my alternative, but at the moment, I am happy with this.

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