Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Research on my College magazine.

To the left is some of my research from google images, for doing both of my College magazines, this helped me get different ideas on fonts, colours and information. I searched for the first image by typing in the Google search engine, magazine covers. In this cover, there is a lot of text, which is possibly an idea for me, there's also a certain colour scheme in this as well, as in black, blue and yellow, which is something else to take into consideration. I like this as a magazine cover, but this wouldn't be how I'd do it myself. In my opinion, I think there's too much text, and the image doesn't look as if it quite fits in.

For my second piece of research for my magazine, I noticed my College Magazine was obviously for College students, as in, fifteen to twenty five year old's, so I thought I would research Teen magazines. I thought this would help me a lot with ideas on my magazines, both my music magazine as well as my College magazine. This as a cover is quite plain if you look into it properly. It has little text, but it's different sizes, which gives the look of there being a lot. There's not much of a colour scheme used on this front cover, there's pinks, blacks, red and white etc. The image on this cover although, looks like it's placed properly, with the text on top of it. This cover is very bright, and seems to be set in a Summer kind of setting, which should be thought about when doing my cover at what time of year I'd like to have it in. These should all be taken into consideration while doing my cover.

This is a screenshot of my research from my power point. I chose a selection of different magazines as the College Magazine was meant to be for both males and females, so I researched for both genders. I did this so I could get an idea on colour schemes I can use that are unisex, and have information in my magazine that would appeal to both genders. The information next to each picture should explain more.

On personal research I also found that just because you have a male on the cover, it doesn't necessarily mean it's a magazine for men. Things that need to be considered while doing my magazine though is colour schemes, as all magazine's seem to have some sort of colour scheme. I also need to think about my grammar, and how my magazine seems to come across, as I wouldn't want my magazine ideal for nine year old little girls, when it's meant for roughly eighteen year old adults. I also need to think how many images I will have on my cover, and whether they fit in or not. I believe the image on the front is the most important, as it almost straight away describes what the magazine entitles.


I found this image from the internet, after looking under "Typical College magazines". I thought it was very colourful, and definatley eye-catching. All the writing is different colours, and sizes which I thought was also a good idea. When looking at other contents pages though, they all had the same font, and this is the only image I found that had different fonts on the contents page. It doesn't have a backround colour, but I personally don't think it needs one. This contents page doesn't have an image either, but I don't think it really needs one.
I wouldn't personally have this as my own contents page, but I still think it's a simple, but good idea.

I found this image also on the internet, under the search "Simple College contents pages". I don't think this is a very good magazine, as a personal judgement, as It doesn't look very imaginitive or put together. There is an image on this though, and It looks as if it's just a typical college student. There's a lot of writing that will probably not all be read, but the information is useful though. I don't see this as a very appealing contents page, as It didn't really appeal to me. I just think it's a very basic college cover, but in their defence, College magazines arn't supposed to be exactly professional.

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