Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Research, and more work on my College contents page.

This is the start to my first go at my contents page. I used bold writing to attract people's eye as the reader. I need to possibly add some more writing, some more colours and some more fonts for more effect, I need to put some pictures onto it as well. I might remove the outline on the boxes, and change more things around until I am happy with it.

I think I need to make a lot more changes to this contents page, I took the backround colour off it, as I thought it could make it look better, when actually it didn't.

 On researching other magazine contents pages, I saw they were set out a lot differently than mine. Mine contains a lot of colour, but It doesn't look as if it goes together. The picture looks like it's just been put in the wrong place and the writing seems to be all over the place. I think that when I change this again, I'll have a backround colour, and i'll probably add more text in it. I still believe a lot more work needs to be done.

Even though this still has a lot more work needed on it, I think I have improved a lot since my first draft of my contents page. I have now put an image on it, even if it doesn't look quite right yet, as well as adding more information.

I've put a backround colour onto this, as I thought it made everything piece together more. The information on my contents page, is containing things that are usually found in contents pages of magazines etc, from looking through other contents pages on the internet. I've also done some personal research of magazines, and my contents page doesn't really look like what you would find in a magazine off the shelf.

I've also made my font a little larger, as before it could have been harder to read. I believe having a backround colour on my contents magazine makes the writing easier to see and read also.

My information, although relevant, looks as if it's just thrown onto the page, so I need to change that. I also think more headings, and possibly more images would look great too. I've used a lot of colour in my contents page, as through personal research, contents pages are always bright and eye-catching. I will do some more adjustments to this, and also do something to the picture, as it doesn't look as if it should be there.

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