Wednesday, January 12, 2011

My second front cover of my College Magazine.

This is my second try at my College Magazine. I still have the same name, as it may not be the most imaginative name, but it's almost fulfilling the pun "it does what it says on the tin". .

I added a lot more bright colours to this magazine, unlike the other one, so it was more noticable for the reader. I added a lot of things I noticed many magazines included, for example, things to do with charities, I also added things the reader could win, as I saw almost every magazine included things to be won in them.

I still need to change a lot still on this, I should be able to take advantage of the person in the picture wearing a black T-shirt, meaning I can put a lot of bright writing on my front cover. I also need to change some of the grammer, the date, and some of the information included. I've decided to have many fonts on this front cover, as I gathered from research, most magazines have many fonts also.

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