Friday, April 8, 2011

Finished double page spread

This is my final double page spread of my music magazine. I took the pictures myself, and edited them to fit best.

I researched a lot on double page spreads on search engines such as google, to see what double page spreads usually contained. I also asked other people on the course what they would include and they also said that they were doing interviews.

I researched what questions would usually be asked, and answered, and the length of questions and answers also. I thought that seeing as I was doing a music magazine, that i would do an interview about a singer, and seeing as my front cover included my friend named Lauren, I would do my double page spread about her too, so I named her "Ladee Laur" and made up that she had just brought a single out.

I thought a lot about my colour scheme, and finally decided on a black back round with pink, purple and white writing. This might make it look like it's aimed more towards females, which was not it's intention, I just thought it looked better.

This probably took the most time to do within my whole media product as I wasn't totally familiar with the application "publisher" and my work didn't go as I wanted it to. In the end I learnt how to use publisher, as well as to save my image as a "jpeg" so I could place it onto my blog.

Over all I'm really happy with my double page spread, I put a lot of effort into it, and think it has turned out well, I wouldn't change anything about it, except for maybe changing the pinks for blue, or more masculine colours.

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