Wednesday, April 27, 2011

4. Who would be the audience for your media product?

I think I have a wide audience for my music magazine, contents page and double-page spread.

I tried as best as I could to make my magazine for both genders, so included blues, as well as pinks. I also looked at music magazines made ideally for women, and then for men, and tried to make mine so both sex's would want to read it as in the things I had for people to win, such as the iTunes voucher, which would appeal to everyone.

I don't think there is a specific age on who the audience of my music product really, but if I had to put an age on it, I would say for both males and females aged around fourteen to twenty. I would say this as I wouldn't see anybody older than around twenty, really being interested in a magazine of mine. The language used isn't basic, but isn't of much intellect either, so could be read as boring and un-interesting. I also asked a few people around the ages of twenty five to thirty five if they knew who Lady Gaga was, as my image for my front cover looks a bit like her, to which five out of twelve didn't know who she was. This is another reason why I believe there is a specific age for my magazine also.

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