Wednesday, April 27, 2011

6. What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

Throughout the process of constructing my media product I've learnt a lot of new techniques on the computer, which have all helped me throughout constructing my whole media project.

I've learnt how to use a lot more of  the applications, and will now use them a lot more frequently with other work I have. Microsoft office publisher was one of these applications. I used this application in producing my double page spread of my media product.

While working through my front cover and contents page, I wanted to change how some of the writing looked, and learned about the application 'wordart', which changes the shapes and colours of your text.

The last thing i learnt through constructing my media product was how to 'print screen' an image, paste it onto "Paint", crop it and (which I also learned to do) and then save it as a new picture that I could then put on my blog, shown as either research or an image I had already created.

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