Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Research on my Music Magazine front cover

For the front cover of my Music magazine, the Image is the most important. I am getting a few friends together for poses copying some of celebrities most well known poses, and this is why I am getting a few images of celebrities together. The celebrities I have chosen all have their own "look"  uniquely, and this is why I have chosen them.

I have chosen this image of Katy Perry as she is known for this pose, and is well known in the Media and Charts, so I thought this could also be a good alternative. I like the idea of her covered in flowers, as my Music Magazine could be a Spring or Summer issue, and flowers resemble that time of year. The cover is pink, which could be seen as a colour leaned towards a certain gender, so I won't go for an all pink cover. I need to do a lot more research on colour schemes and texts for my Music Magazine.

I also chose this other image of Katy Perry as this is also a very well known pose of hers. I'm thinking about either using Katy Perry, or possibly Lady Gaga, depends which pose works best with the friends i'm using for my images. I like this image of Katy Perry, but I don't know if the image would go well with a music magazine or not. I need to do a lot more research, and get a lot of pictures of friends in different poses and positions, to see which looks best.

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