Friday, February 25, 2011

Research for my contents page on my music magazine

For doing the contents page of my music magazine, I thought that by researching everyday magazine's could be as much help as music magazine's. I have collected images from magazine's about Real life and celebrities, and this magazine is called "Love it". Both of the images were the first page before the contents page, and after the front cover. It's a page just for advertising. The advertising doesn't connect with the magazine in any way, so maybe when I look through a more variety of magazine's, such as celebrity magazines like "Heat" and "Hello" they might give me a few more idea's too. The images are both different though, the one on the left is about cooking, while the one on the right is about a hair product. I will get a lot more research that is more relevant to my music magazine, obviously through music magazine's but I just thought these images were nothing more than just idea's. 

 In setting out your contents page, I have noticed that the text is always the same colour, size, and font. The headings are always larger and bolder, and the page numbers are always a different colour to the writing next to it, which is obviously so it is easier to read. Also I have noticed that certain page numbers with the more interesting information are larger, as well as some having images connecting to the page next to it. I have also noticed there are little "snip bits" next to the sub headings about what is on that page which would interest a reader.
These are all things I need to take into consideration in doing my contents pages.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Research on my Music Magazine front cover

For the front cover of my Music magazine, the Image is the most important. I am getting a few friends together for poses copying some of celebrities most well known poses, and this is why I am getting a few images of celebrities together. The celebrities I have chosen all have their own "look"  uniquely, and this is why I have chosen them.

I have chosen this image of Katy Perry as she is known for this pose, and is well known in the Media and Charts, so I thought this could also be a good alternative. I like the idea of her covered in flowers, as my Music Magazine could be a Spring or Summer issue, and flowers resemble that time of year. The cover is pink, which could be seen as a colour leaned towards a certain gender, so I won't go for an all pink cover. I need to do a lot more research on colour schemes and texts for my Music Magazine.

I also chose this other image of Katy Perry as this is also a very well known pose of hers. I'm thinking about either using Katy Perry, or possibly Lady Gaga, depends which pose works best with the friends i'm using for my images. I like this image of Katy Perry, but I don't know if the image would go well with a music magazine or not. I need to do a lot more research, and get a lot of pictures of friends in different poses and positions, to see which looks best.