Wednesday, December 15, 2010

The start of my College magazine cover.

This is my first cover, of my Student College magazine. The title isn't very imaginative or creative, so hopefully, I'll have more ideas for names when I have done more practice covers. I chose the name originally, "Student life",as the magazine has information about every day things occurring in a student's college life. I achieved a lot of my ideas for my magazine through personal research. This would include buying magazines, looking through google images, as well as brainstorming my ideas, with a variety of people, such as my parents.

On researching magazine covers, mine contains the usual things you would find, as in a price, image, large title, and a bar code. The bar code isn't copyright, as I've coped the image, and added my own numbers.

There's still a lot that can be done to this as a front cover, possibly changing the background colour, changing the information, the size, and maybe even the image of the person on the front. As a start I think this cover is "okay" but I wouldn't be happy with it as a final cover. I'm glad this is a practice though, as every tweak and alteration I make, can be viewed from start to finish, so hopefully this cover looks more like a college magazine cover, after more research and work.